B2B vs B2C Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment is an important aspect of any eCommerce business. The process starts when a customer looks out for a product, places an order, and ends with it being delivered to him. The process may be handled by the websites themselves (large international brands) or outsourced to a third-party logistics provider (3PL). Depending on the […]
Beginner’s Guide to Selling Products Online in the USA

According to Statista, in 2020, retail e-commerce sales worldwide totaled $4.28 Trillion Dollars, while e-retail revenues are predicted to reach $5.4 Trillion Dollars by 2022. On the other hand, total revenue from e-Commerce alone in the USA amounted to $431.6 Billion Dollars in 2020, with Statista projecting that it will increase to $563.4 billion dollars […]
Fulfillment Centres vs Warehouses: The Key Differences

While warehouses and fulfillment centres share some similarities and are sometimes referred to interchangeably, the differences can often be important for industries that rely heavily on efficient logistics. The ecommerce industry is growing and key attributes like fast delivery and inventory management help businesses stay ahead of the competition. At its core, both are operated […]
How To Choose Your eCommerce Fulfillment Partner in the USA?

You’re exploring the retail market in the USA, and you’ve decided that you need an e-commerce fulfillment partner. There are many choices and you want to ensure you find the right fit for your business. To do that, you’ll first need to understand what the fulfillment part is and what they do. What is a […]
Why Do You Need To Outsource Fulfillment Services When Shipping To the USA?

The US remains one of the biggest online marketplaces with its high spending power. This makes it an extremely attractive place for eCommerce businesses looking to expand internationally. However, the US is also known to be highly competitive towards foreign retailers, and can often have high barriers for entry. Fulfillment providers help to ease the […]
Fulfillment Services: What Are They And What Do They Do?

With the growth of ecommerce, manufacturers are dealing and selling products all over the world. Various industries like furniture are especially susceptible to the growth of global demands vis a vis a vis high volumes of products being manufactured in regions like Asia. However, working with global markets can be overwhelming for growing businesses- considering […]
Order Fulfillment Strategies For Your eCommerce Business

Businesses cannot rely on a one size fits all method. As a foreign manufacturer who wants to sell products with large and popular online retailers in the USA, you already understand the roadblocks and challenges that occur every step of the way. Handling them at your end might not be easy (or even possible) with […]
Order Fulfillment Process in the USA: Steps Involved

As a company looking to venture into different global markets like the USA, you are definitely open to considering new challenges and collaborations. You will be looking to market your products online, partner with different fulfillment companies, and gain new customers. Fundamentally the most important step is order fulfillment but what exactly is that? What […]